Knowledgebase: Installation
Wrong, corrupt or incorrect icons (links) are shown after installation (in Desktop or Explorer)
Posted by Aleksandr Alekseev on 28 December 2011 07:40


At rare ocasion my icons are displayed wrong after installation or uninstallation of EurekaLog.


 This is a known issue in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. If the icon cache is corrupted - you will get wrong icons. The icon cache is never changed even across reboots, and it uses icons forever until you manually force it to rebuild.


You must close Explorer and delete file %userprofile%\AppData\Local\iconcache.db file. 
Follow these guidelines to do that:
  1. Close and save anything that you are working on. This solution will kill Explorer process and restart the computer when completed.
  2. Open the Start Menu, and type cmd in the search box or "Run..." dialog and press [Enter].
  3. In the command prompt, Copy and Paste each command line below exactly as is and press [Enter] after each command:
    • taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F
    • CD /d %userprofile%\AppData\Local
    • DEL IconCache.db /a
    • shutdown /r
  4. The IconCache.db file has now been rebuilt.
Checked EL version: 7.0.0
Ticket ID: 4672
Windows: Windows Vista, Windows 7

External references:

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