Knowledgebase: Installation
6.x: Installing two versions of EurekaLog
Posted by Aleksandr Alekseev on 30 April 2015 09:50


I need to install old version of EurekaLog for one IDE and new version of EurekaLog for other IDE. In other words, I want to have two different versions of EurekaLog to be installed at the same time, on the same machine.


EurekaLog 7.0-7.1 allows you to install EurekaLog 7 over EurekaLog 6 installation and switch between EurekaLog 6 and EurekaLog 7 by using "Manage" tool provided by EurekaLog 7.

Starting with EurekaLog 7.2, it is no longer possible to install EurekaLog 7 over EurekaLog 6. File layout was changed drammatically, and it is no longer compatitible with EurekaLog 6 file layout. Old version of "Manage" tool (v7.1.5, which is capable of working with EurekaLog 6) can be downloaded here: See instructions below.

Starting with EurekaLog 7.5, additional tools is included into EurekaLog installer, so it is possible to automatically install EurekaLog 7 over EurekaLog 6. "Manage" tool for EurekaLog 6 will be installed automatically by EurekaLog 7.5+ installer.



Instructions for manual installation EurekaLog 7.2, 7.3, or 7.4 with EurekaLog 6

(not applicable to EurekaLog 7.0, 7.1, 7.5+)

You have to manually install both EurekaLog versions:

  1. Uninstall any installed EurekaLog versions;
  2. Install older (previous) version of EurekaLog (v4, v5, or v6):
    • IMPORTANT: Install older version of EurekaLog FIRST;
    • Make sure that you checked only IDE which you want to work with this older EurekaLog version, and unchecked other IDEs. For example, you can install EurekaLog 6 for Delphi 7 only;
    • Complete installation as usual, make sure that older/previous version of EurekaLog works as expected in the installed IDE, make sure there are no EurekaLog visible in other IDEs;
    • IMPORTANT: Copy ecc32.exe/emake.exe files from \bin folder of the selected IDEs into corresponding sub-folder(s) of your EurekaLog installation. For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\ecc32.exe -> C:\Program Files (x86)\EurekaLab\EurekaLog 6\Delphi7\ecc32.exe;
  3. Remove installation information about older/previous EurekaLog version:
    • Go to "Start" / "Run..." and type "regedit" to open registry editor;
    • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EurekaLog;
    • Rename the "EurekaLog" key to something else. For example, "OldEurekaLog";
  4. Install new (latest) version of EurekaLog (v7.2, v7.3, or v7.4):
    • IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are installing new version of EurekaLog into different folder; Do not install it in the same folder which was used at step 2;
    • IMPORTANT: You may install new/latest version of EurekaLog for the same IDEs as used in step 2. However, use caution when switching between EurekaLog versions in the same IDE - read remaks below for more info. It is recommended to install different EurekaLog versions into different IDEs;
    • Complete installation as usual, make sure that new version of EurekaLog works as expected in the selected IDEs;
  5. Restore older/previous EurekaLog version:
    • Open registry editor;
    • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OldEurekaLog;
    • Rename "OldEurekaLog" key to its original name ("EurekaLog");
    • Restore old EurekaLog IDE registration:
      • If selected IDE has EurekaLog 7 installed - remove EurekaLog 7 from the specified IDE (by using latest "Manage" tool);
      • Automatic (EurekaLog 6 only) - use old version of "Manage" tool to register EurekaLog 6 into IDE. IMPORTANT: Do not use old version of "Manage" tool to edit settings for IDEs with installed EurekaLog 7, do not use latest version of "Manage" tool to edit settings for IDEs with EurekaLog 6 - see remarks below;
      • Manual (EurekaLog 4, 5, and 6):
        • Copy previosly saved ecc32.exe/emake.exe file(s) into its proper location (\bin folder of IDE);
        • Use "Component" / "Install packages" IDE's menu command to register (C)ExceptionExpert.bpl file (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\EurekaLab\EurekaLog 6\Delphi7\ExceptionExpert7.bpl);
        • Add directory containing the (C)ExceptionExpert.bpl file into Library Search Path setting of your IDE ("Tools" / "Environment Options" / "Library Path").
  6. Done!

If you want to update/reinstall newer version of EurekaLog (v7.2, v7.3, v7.4) - perform such steps:

  1. Remove installation information about older/previous EurekaLog version:
    • Go to "Start" / "Run..." and type "regedit" to open registry editor;
    • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EurekaLog;
    • Rename the "EurekaLog" key to something else. For example, "OldEurekaLog";
  2. Install new (latest) version of EurekaLog (v7.2, v7.3, v7.4):
    • Uninstall current v7 version;
    • IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are installing new version of EurekaLog into different folder; Do not install it in the same folder which was used at step 2;
    • Complete installation as usual, make sure that new version of EurekaLog works as expected in the selected IDEs;
  3. Restore older/previous EurekaLog version:
    • Open registry editor;
    • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OldEurekaLog;
    • Rename "OldEurekaLog" key to its original name ("EurekaLog");
    • Re-register EurekaLog 6 into desired IDEs as discussed above;
  4. Done!


Important notes:

  • Do not use latest "Manage" utility from EurekaLog 7.2-7.4 to change settings for IDEs with old EurekaLog versions (v6). You can use latest "Manage" utility to alter settings of IDEs with EurekaLog 7 only;
  • Do not use old "Manage" utility from EurekaLog 7.1- to change settings for IDEs with EurekaLog 7.2+, use it only for IDEs with EurekaLog 6;
  • Do not uninstall old/previous EurekaLog version (v4-v6), unless you have restored uninstallation information under "Uninstall" registry key;
  • You may try to install EurekaLog 6 and EurekaLog 7 for the same IDE. However, use caution when switching between versions:
    • Use new "Manage" tool (7.2-7.4) to remove/install EurekaLog 7 from IDE;
    • Use old "Manage" tool (7.1-) to remove/install EurekaLog 6 from IDE;
    • Do not install EurekaLog 6 into IDE with installed EurekaLog 7: remove EurekaLog 7 (with new "Manage" tool) first, then install EurekaLog 6 (with old "Manage" tool);
    • Do not install EurekaLog 7 into IDE with installed EurekaLog 6: remove EurekaLog 6 (with old "Manage" tool) first, then install EurekaLog 7 (with new "Manage" tool).

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