7.x: I get [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'VCL.GRAPHICS.OBJ' when trying to compile FMX application
Posted by Aleksandr Alekseev on 27 November 2020 08:49


I have enabled EurekaLog for my FireMonkey (FMX) application. I get the following error (or similar):

[ilink32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'VCL.GRAPHICS.OBJ'

Why FMX app uses VCL?



This is as designed. We use TBitmap from Graphics.pas unit for screenshots on Windows platform, which is part of VCL. We do not use VCL (e.g. forms, application, etc.) in FMX app.


 You should add VCL to namespace (package import: vcl.bpi) or include the unit directly.

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